Helpers of the Handicapped, Kolhapur work with a vision of making people with disabilities productive and self-supportive citizens leading fuller lives with dignity.


Get in touch!

233/6 E, Atmaram Apartments, Gen. Thorat Marg, Opp. Hind Nagar Society, Tarabai Park, Kolhapur – 416 003, Maharashtra, INDIA.

Annual Reports

Helpers of the Handicapped Annual Reports (2018-19 to 2022-23)

Helpers Of The Handicapped Sources And Uses Of Funds During Last Five
(2018-19 To 2022-23)

Source 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 TOTAL %
Government Grant 3,408,018 5,310,653 5,321,835 5,529,553 6,262,409 25,832,468 25.96
Foreign Funding(For Recurring uses) 759,928 242,941 601,153 110,536 483,353 2,197,911 2.21
Inland Donations (For Recurring uses) 11,054,728 8,841,339 5,636,445 5,899,152 7,182,411 38,614,075 38.80
Foreign Funding (For capital uses) - 875,000 - - - 875,000 0.88
Inland Donations (Non-Recurring and Corpus) 8,333,834 1,300,000 100,001 2,500,000 15,0000 12,383,835 12.44
Other Income (Business Surplus, Rent, Contributions, Interest etc.) 3,613,619 5,037,489 2,978,284 3,338,439 4,645,376 19,613,207 19.71
Total Sources 27,170,127 21,607,422 14,637,718 17,377,680 18,723,549 99,516,496 100.00
Uses 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 TOTAL %
Educational Aid ( GENERAL) & Sports & Culture 7,280,134 8,864,766 7,881,945 8,704,378 10,116,284 42,847,507 43.06
Educational Aid ( HOSTEL FACILITY ) 5,228,524 5,114,862 3,865,884 3,881,328 5,204,424 23,295,022 23.41
Medical Aid (TREATMENT SURGICAL OPERATION, PHYSIOTHERAPY ETC ) / Aids & Appliances 776,783 1,315,083 355,354 421,535 566,215 3,434,970 3.45
Vocational & Agro-based Training 2,205,000 194,362 12,277 317,261 172,135 2,901,035 2.92
Other Recurring Expenditure 3,475,333 3,707,726 2,216,703 2,764,801 2,351,736 14,516,299 14.59
Other Charitable objects - 11,000 1,13,254 86,000 - 2,10,254 0.21
Total Recurring Expenses 18,965,774 19,207,799 14,445,417 16,175,303 18,410,794 87,205,087 87.63
Creation of Infrastructure (Immovable) 14,522,812 5,553,024 5,096,237 2,179,235 - 27,351,308 27.48
Addition to Fixed Assets (Movables) 685,061 189,455 103,652 2,937,679 1,145,984 5,061,831 5.09
Total Non-Recurring Expenses 15,207,873 5,742,479 5,199,889 5,116,914 1,145,984 32,413,139 32.57
TOTAL USES 3,41,73,647 2,49,50,278 1,96,45,306 2,12,92,217 1,95,56,778 119,618,226 120.20

( Abhijit Gare ) - President and ( Subodh Mungale ) - Treasurer

Helpers Of The Handicapped, Kolhapur.

Work at a Glance Up To 31 March, 2023
Particulars of Assistance Cumulative Benefits Imparted up-to 31.03.2022 Benefits Imparted during the F.Y. 2022-23 Cumulative Benefits Imparted up-to 31.03.2023
No. Amount No. Amount No. Amount
Medical Aid ( Treatment Surgical Operation, Physiotherapy Etc ) 5,626 11,063,582 27 331,111 5,653 11,394,693
Aid & Appliances ( General ) 2,464 6,233,317 23 235,104 2,487 6,468,421
Aid & Appliances ( From Govt. Grant ) 135 259,496 - - 135 259,496
Education Aid (General ) 8,610 66,549,182 465 9,922,377 9,075 76,471,559
Education Aid ( Hostel Facility ) 3,685 94,563,716 60 5,204,424 3,745 99,768,140
Vocational Training , Farming 1,870 47,127,678 6 172,135 1,876 47,299,813
Sport , Culture, Arts & Other Charitable work 14,933 4,813,728 585 193,907 15,518 5,007,635
Total (Recurring) 37,323 230,610,699 1,166 16,059,058 38,489 246,669,757
Creation of Infrastructure - 122,930,807 - - - 122,930,807
Grand Total 37,323 353,541,506 1,166 16,059,058 38,489 369,600,564

Total no. of beneficiaries in Grand Total is reduced to the extent of multiple benefits imparted under more than one of the above categories and/or for multiple years.

Information For Annual Report F Y 2022-2023

Cumulative Capital Cost incurred to date
Sr. no Unit Name Annual Report Year Amount ( In Lakhs) Addition Cost Total Of Annual Report Year Amount ( In Lakhs)
2021-2022 2022-2023 2022-2023
A Gharonda Hostel 290.12 5.18 295.30
B Samarth Vidyamandir / Vidyalaya 290.52 3.09 293.61
C Vocational Training Center & Shilai Unit (HWF) 10.91 0.21 11.12
Requirement for recurring expenses for current year
Sr. No Unit Name Annual Report Year Expenditure For The Year Estimated Requirment For Annual Report Year Amount ( In Lakhs)
2021-2022 2022-2023 2022-2023
A Gharonda Hostel 85.44 68.73 73.88
B Samarth Vidyamandir / Vidyalaya 25.00 39.15 42.00
C Vocational Training Center & Shilai Unit (HWF) 7.50 11.26 12.10

Name Of Public Trust: Helpers Of The Handicapped, Kolhapur

Receipts & Payment Account For The Year Ending 31st March 2023.
Receipts Budgeted (2022-23) Actual (2022-23) Variance (2022-23) Budgeted (2023-24)
A) Recurring Receipts:
a-1.1) Donations in Cash or kind (Inland) 8,300,000 7,182,411 -1,117,589 9,550,000
a-1.2) Foreign Contribution Received 1,000,000 483,353 -516,647 950,000
a-1.3) Contribution from school students 1,350,000 3,159,625 1,809,625 2,700,000
a-1.4) Grant from State Govt. (ZP) for School 6,025,000 6,262,409 237,409 6,460,000
a-2) Rent on Immovable Property 600,000 481,113 -118,887 650,000
a-3) Interest on Bank Deposits 1,000,000 725,389 -274,611 600,000
a-4) Dividend on Mutual Fund Investment - - - 180,000
a-5)Gain / Loss in Mutual Fund - - - 220,000
a-5) Other Revenue Receipts:
a-5.1) Income From Vocational Activities 100,000 49,378 -50,622 120,000
a-5.2) Other receipts 75,000 152,146 77,146 70,000
a-5.3) Income From Farming - - - -
a-5.4) Surplus Way of Disposal Assets 7,025,000 77,725 -6,947,275 3,500,000
B) Non-Recurring Receipts:
b-1.1) Donations towards Corpus 2,500,000 - -2,500,000 2,800,000
b-1.2) Donations towards capital objects 6,000,000 150,000 -5,850,000 6,860,000
b-2.1) Loans from Banks/Coop Credit Societies 1,000,000 - -1,000,000 1,500,000
b-2.2) Loans from Individuals 500,000 - -500,000 500,000
b-2.3) Other Liabilities 500,000 - -500,000 450,000
C) Realization from Disposal of Assets, Repayments etc.
c-1.1) Repayment of Deposits - - - -
c-1.2) Recovery of Advances - - - -
c-2.1) Disposal of Other Assets/ Receivables 3,233,000 100,713 -3,132,287 2608873
c-2.2) Encashment / Redemption Of Investments - 2,472,886 2,472,886 -
Opening Balance (Cash & Bank) 3,611,561 1,108,103 -2,503,458 1460688
TOTAL… 42,819,561 22,405,252 -20,414,309 41,179,561
Payments Budgeted (2022-23) Actual (2022-23) Variance (2022-23) Budgeted (2023-24)
D) Expenses on Objects of the Trust:
d-1.1) Academic Education 9,150,000 9,922,377 772,377 10,060,000
d-1.2) Hostels for Students & Trainees 6,075,000 5,204,424 -870,576 6,250,000
a-1.3) Contribution from school students 1,350,000 3,159,625 1,809,625 2,700,000
d-1.3) Vocational Training 800,000 172,135 -627,865 635,000
d-1.4) Sports & Culture 650,000 193,907 -456,093 525,000
d-2) Medical Relief 1,600,000 566,215 -1,033,786 2,350,000
d-3) Other Charitable Objects 250,000 - -250,000 250,000
E) Recurring Disbursements:
e-1) Rents, Rates, Taxes, Insurance on Properties 450,000 18,648 -431,352 450,000
e-2) Administrative Expenses 1,700,000 1,555,038 -144,962 1,800,000
e-3) Salaries & Perquisites 1,850,000 1,436,698 -413,302 1,350,000
e-4) Special & Current Repairs 375,000 - -375,000 250,000
Capital and Non-Recurrings Uses:
Immovable Properties 3,500,000 - -3,500,000 5,000,000
Furniture & Fixtures 500,000 21,675 -478,325 350,000
Vehicles 1,000,000 463,907 -536,093 300,000
Computers & Other Electronic Equipments 1,200,000 302,099 -897,901 850,000
Machinery, Implements etc 100,000 10,000 -90,000 250,000
Other Fixed Assets 450,000 54,486 -395,514 750,000
Repairs, Maintenance & Insurance (Properties) 700,000 365,856 -334,144 650,000
Investments 2,500,000 - -2,500,000 2,000,000
Advances - 500,922 500,922
Other Assets/Receivables 7,500,000 - -7,500,000 4,500,000
Added to the Corpus - - - -
Repayment of liabilities 500,000 76,890 -423,110 450,000
Amount written off 200,000 - -200,000 250,000
Miscellaneous Expenses 200,000 79,287 -120,713 170,000
Closing Balance (Cash & Bank) 1,569,561 1,460,688 -108,873 1,739,561
TOTAL… 42,819,561 22,405,252 -20,414,309 41,179,561

As per our report of even date : 19.06.2023